Grading in Moodle

There are a couple of different ways that a lecturer can grade Moodle assignments. This post will describe how to grade inside an assignment activity as well as through the grade book.

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Student Introduction to Moodle

This is a post and short video to introduce students to Moodle. The video explains the type of computer accounts student will use while here at SETU and also guides users through some of the basics of how to use Moodle. It also outlines what users can expect when they log into Moodle and some of the support contacts when they have a technical issue with either their SETU email account, a technical issue with Moodle, their password or their registration details.

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Pedagogical Consideration when Teaching with Zoom

Pedagogical Consideration when Teaching with Zoom

As we all make the transition to teaching online, some staff academic staff members may choose to use Zoom. SETU has an institutional license and all staff and students in SETU will have an account at their disposal. However, before you jump straight in and start using Zoom there are some considerations you might want to think about.

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Using Zoom for Shared Modules

When using the Zoom plugin in Moodle, all meetings scheduled within a single module will be displayed in all Zoom activities in that module. This can be confusing for both staff and students as they can have multiple events occurring at the same time in their Moodle Calendar and it can be difficult to identify which one they should attend.

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