How students can upload documents to assignments

Types of assignments

There are several activities in Moodle that can be graded, It is possible to grade Forum contributions, Feedback activity, Attendance, Quizzes, etc, but the main assignments where you upload a file is called a Standard Assignment or a Turnitin Assignment, both have similarities but are very different. Take a closer look at Turnitin here.

Step 1

Log into Moodle and navigate to the module where you are expected to upload your work.

Step 2

Navigate to the section where the assignment is located.

Note: the name of the section and the actual assignment will vary from module to module, some lecturers will use a standard Moodle assignment others will use a Turnitin assignment, and some will use both, it depends on the module topics and the assessment you are being asked to do.

Step 3

Click on the Assignment you will see the due date, this is important to note, that you will be able to make submissions or edit your submission up to the due date and time. 

File Sizes

Depending on the assignment activity type your Lecturer chooses to use in a Moodle module, if they choose a standard Moodle assignment the maximum upload limit will be 2GB, however, if your assignment document is text-heavy and includes citations and referencing, your lecturer may use a Turnitin assignment activity and the maximum upload limit for Turnitin is 100MB, considerably smaller then the 2GB allowed for the standard assignment type.


Standard Moodle Assignments

Watch this video which explains the steps outlined above


Turnitin Assignments

Watch this video which explains the steps to make a submission to Turnitin.

Upload scanned documents

If you need to know how to scan a document and upload it to Moodle from your mobile device please take a look at this post which explains in more detail how to scan documents to PDF, and then upload that scanned document to Moodle

Technical Support

If you have any questions or if you encounter technical issues, please email us at from your SETU staff/student email account.