How can I give a colleague access to my module in Moodle?

If you have editing access to a module in Moodle you can enrol a colleague as a non-editing or editing lecturer so that they can view the content that you have put in place or edit that content.

Giving access to a colleague

Open the participants list on your module:


Selecting the lecturer

Click on the Enrol Users button and then search for your colleague in the pop up screen that follows. You should click on their name to confirm your selection.

Assigning the lecturer role

You can now change the assigned role from Student to Non-editing or Editing Lecturer in the Assign Roles drop down menu. (as shown above) Finally, please click on the Enrol selected users button to save your changes. Your colleague will now be able to view and/or edit the content in this module when they next log in to Moodle.