Who can access my class notes in Moodle?

Only students who are registered in the student registration system for that specific course module can access your module content in Moodle. A full list of students that have access to your module can be viewed by clicking on the Users link in the Administration block usually located on the lefthand side of the screen.

Lecturers can grant access to colleagues or additional students to their modules. However, your colleague or student must be able to log into Moodle (i.e. must be a registered student or WIT staff member) before they can be granted access to your module. You can view steps on how to enroll colleagues and/or staff on your module here.

If you or a colleague sends a request to the CTEL for access to a module in Moodle we have a procedure that we follow. We first check the Module area in Moodle to see if there is content, (this can be a single file or more) if there is content in place we email the current editing lecturer of the module informing them that a colleague (you will be CC'd on the email) has requested access and we need a confirmation email from the current lecturer before we will proceed. We will not proceed unless we get this confirmation email.