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Turnitin Plagiarism Declaration

Each time a student makes a submission to a Turnitin activity either in your module or in another module for another lecturer they will have to accept a plagiarism declaration. They will not be able to proceed unless they accept this declaration.

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External Examiner

At the request of the editing lecturer, the CTEL team will enrol external examiners to Moodle modules. This post describes the access rights the external examiner has when they are enroled in a Moodle module.

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Can I easily import content between modules?

Lecturers can import resources between the modules they are assigned to within Moodle. For example, if you are reusing case studies for a new academic year, these can be copied from a previous year’s module into the current one. It is important to note that to import between modules, you must be assigned as an editing lecturer on both modules.

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